Hey ladies! I’m back from my London and Paris trip and boy do I have a lot to blog about! The trip was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G and I’m so glad I went!!! I highly recommend all of you to go check out those cities when you get the opportunity! I can’t wait to go back one day! This trip taught me so much so much about the world and it’s beauty. It just made me fall in love with life all over again and I realized how much travel changed me. I made so many great friends along the way, walked all over the cities from morning til night, and shopped everywhere. It was the best time of my life! Now the only question is: Where to next? haha. I swear, travel is the most addicting thing in this world and all the sacrifices you make end up being worth it. I still can’t believe I accomplished my dream of visiting London and Paris and I can’t wait to accomplish more dreams in the future.
Stay tuned for posts all about my trip in the next couple of weeks! Warning: wanderlust will happen haha.
Thanks for reading,
I'm so jealous! I've always wanted to go to Paris and London!