Another Monday, another week to make things different. It always baffles me to see how many people are satisfied with living a mediocre life. They go to mediocre jobs or take mediocre classes even though it’s clear that they’re unhappy. It’s all because they’re too scared of getting out of their comfort zone.
These past two years, I was living a mediocre life and I was one of these people. Mondays were boring, Wednesdays were boring, even Fridays were boring! I had no clue that my life would get ridiculously better if I only decided to change. I can honestly say taking a chance with blogging made it all different. I stopped being mediocre and embraced a different life. I never knew what it was like to be free until I started doing what I love and admitted to myself that I was unhappy.
You weren’t put on this earth to be mediocre. You weren’t mean to pay bills and just die. There’s so much more out there for you yet you have to take the first step and get out of your comfort zone! Yes it’s uncomfortable and sometimes even painful but trust the process. The greatest people on this earth didn’t become great just by sitting on the couch and wishing for it. They just decided to stop being mediocre. Imagine what you can accomplish if you did the same!
I hope you guys enjoyed this post and if you’re looking for more motivation (involving my favorite topic: college! haha) then check out my guest post over at The Preppy Mag!
Until next time lovelies,
Love the quote! It's so true. I'm all about striving for more. It's hard to imagine not!
The Closet by Christie