I was originally going to buy the CND UV lamp which was what my nail lady was using but I found a cheaper alternative when I was browsing Chickettes.com and she recommended a UV lamp for only $40 on Amazon. After reading some reviews, I decided to take the chance and also ordered the Gelish starter kit to go along with it. As for the gel polish, I ordered them from Ebay for only $8 so it’s a couple dollars cheaper. Thank God for the internet! Gel polish is a bit expensive in stores but at least if I order them on Ebay, it would be about the same price as regular nail polish that I was already buying. After receiving everything in the mail, I simply went on Youtube and watched a few videos and that’s it!
Although the starter kit that I used was Gelish, I decided to go with gel polish from Glam and Glits because of their super sparkly polishes. I bought polishes from their Ink gel polish line and made sure that it could be cured under 36 watts. I heard some gel polishes don’t work well when you mix brands but I had no problems using a Gelish foundation and top coat with the Ink gel polish. The specific one shown here is Blueming 42 which is a sky blue with some subtle shimmer in it. I did have to do 3 coats of it in order to make it opaque but I’m glad I did since it made it even more glittery. The camera doesn’t do this one justice! I’m looking forward to buying more from them!
This was probably one of the best investments I’ve ever made since I no longer have to go to the salon to get them done! The only problem now is what am I supposed to do with all the regular nail polish I already own? Haha. I’m just glad I bought it now before school starts next week so my nails look all fresh and glam. I’m someone who always stares at their nails during class and it’s a relief that I no longer have to worry about chipped nails!
Until next time lovelies,
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Thanks! and sure I'd love to