source: Domaine Home
Then one day I found myself walking around in the quiet aisles of Target (my happy place) in the afternoon where the only people there at that time is me and stay at home moms/dads. I ended up walking by the office supply section and staring at those darn cute supplies that only Target would sell and wishing I could buy something for my nonexistent cubicle. One minute I was looking at Eiffel Tower scissors and then the next minute I was holding back tears and feeling more alone and confused than ever.
Then I had a moment of clarity that I haven’t felt in a long time. I was doing everything in my power to achieve my goals and the rest is up to time. There’s a certain sense of peace that took hold of me after I realized this and I’ve been repeating it to myself everyday ever since. Not everything is in my control and I’m wasting my life by living for the next achievement. I realized that I’m in another period of transformation and this is all temporary. I think as human beings we feel so stuck in our current situations that we think that we’re going to stay in that same situation forever. We tend to forget that life can change so quickly. So what did I do? I still kept applying for jobs but I also started enjoying my free time more. It occurred to me that this would probably be one of the few times in my life where I would have so much time for myself without any serious commitments. I started hanging out with friends more and started talking about things other than finding a job, I picked up a hobby that’s helping me to make money (I’ll talk more about that in an upcoming post!), I started exploring my city more, and most of all just doing things that I normally wouldn’t have time for if I was in school or at work. It’s funny how things change once you change your perspective.
So the end of college doesn’t mean that it’s the end of life. It’s just a transition and what’s important is to focus on all the possibilities that the future can bring. Spend all of your time and energy focusing on the good and good will come right back. Most importantly, I like to remind myself (and others!) that I haven’t even scratched the surface yet of what I can really accomplish in life. There’s so many more adventures that are coming up ❤
Thanks for reading,