I’m not one for baths, I’m more a shower-girl but when it comes to Lush’s bath bombs I always like to make the exception because of their amazing smells and how soft they leave your skin afterwards. I went to Lush earlier this week to get some Angels on Bare Skin since I was running low and couldn’t resist buying a bath bomb. I swear it took all my strength to just buy one since these things are so addicting! I already tried Twilight and Dragon’s Egg and wanted to go with something more glittery this time around so I decided on Space Girl.
Space Girl is a periwinkle-colored bath bomb that’s in the shape of a planet with gold glitter on top and contains poppying candies in it to make it fizz once it’s in water. It’s about $5.25 for one and is one of the more cheaper bath bombs at Lush while still looking pretty to the eye! The smell kinda reminded me of berries and cotton candy and the description says it contains grapefruit oil to refresh and tone the skin which I detected once the bath bomb started breaking down in the water.
After it melted, I was a bit disappointed since it didn’t fizz as much as I thought it would and the glitter was very subtle and didn’t leave any on my skin which I guess is good if you don’t want to make a mess in the tub. As for the smell, it wasn’t overwhelming at all yet lasted on my skin for a couple hours while giving my skin a smoother, moisturized feel. I was afraid that the grapefruit oil would leave a residue or greasy feel to my skin but in this case it didn’t so I was happy! As for the color of the water, it turned into a greyish-purple color which wasn’t the prettiest to look at but at the end of the day it was a relaxing bath so that’s all that matters! Would I be repurchasing this again? Probably not, it wasn’t really that exciting to me and I purchased it because of it’s glitter yet there wasn’t much in it
Have you tried Space Girl before? What are some of your favorite bath bombs?
Until next time lovelies,