Finally I’m able to share with you all the exciting news…I was featured in the Democrat & Chronicle (the main local newspaper here in Rochester) and I talked all about my blog and how I built my brand during college!!! The best part is that I actually pitched the story, myself. Who says you can’t be your own PR girl? Two accomplishments in one. Alright, I’ll stop bragging now haha. Read the online version of the article here.
I’m not gonna lie, getting my blog some media exposure has been on my mind for a long time. Maybe a year or two. But it just never felt like the right timing until this year when I really started feeling like a professional and secured some incredible collaborations under my belt. The process was a bit of a long one. After taking a Media Relations class last semester and learning how to properly pitch the media, I became determined to finally get some coverage but it’s a lot harder than I thought it would be. Even though Rochester is a small city, the media is extremely selective and after a couple of months of research, emailing people back and forth, and sometimes never get any replies back, it finally happened.
Now for the deep stuff (you had to have seen it coming!), it feels strange to see myself in the newspaper when I remember a time where I felt silly for having a fashion blog and feeling embarrassed sharing it with people that I know in real life. I pretty much tried to hide it from everyone except for my best friends! Who would ever take me seriously? Yet somehow over the years, I’ve stuck to it and along the way started believing in myself and my brand. And maybe that’s the most important lesson I’ve learned through blogging. That’s why I encourage you to start believing in yourself and understand that your blog is so much more than a silly hobby. Make that belief so strong that you’re not willing to accept criticism, embarrassment, or failure. It’s not going to be easy, in my case it took years. But once it happens, it changes everything ♥
Thanks for reading,
Congrats! I love seeing a fellow Rochester blogger in the D&C! I just found you through the i.heart.roc Insta and look forward to your future posts.
Thank you Danielle! I'll be sure to check out your blog! Gotta support other Roc bloggers.